Problèmes avec la justice

Publié le par Grand Beau et Riche Pays

vendredi 26 octobre 2007


Les juges posent problème
Echanges Forrest - Metorex
Contenir les creuseurs
TFM: un an de retard et 38% plus cher

Les juges posent problème

L' Avenir La Constitution de mars 2006 sera bientôt révisée suite à la proposition de loi qui sera soumise au Bureau de l’Assemblée nationale. Les articles visés par la pétition déjà signée par près de 300 députés sont les 110 et 152 qui traitent de la fin du mandat du député national et du sénateur pour le premier ( art.110) et , de la composition du conseil Supérieur de la magistrature pour le second( art.152) La réforme de l’appareil judiciaire dans ce pays est un souhait exprimé par le plus grand nombre de la population. La manière dont se comportent nos magistrats dans l’exercice de leur fonction laisse à désirer. Le comportement de la plus part des magistrats laisse à désirer. C’est dans ce secteur que la population congolais a découvert à ses dépens que la justice est rendue à la tête du client et à la faveur du plus nanti. Un riche qu’il ait raison ou pas, il est vite innocenté par nos juridictions qui font preuve d’un degré éhonté de la corruption. Un coup de balai dans ce secteur ne réjouira pas seulement les honorables députés nationaux, mais leurs électeurs aussi. En face par contre, les magistrats jugent cette démarche des députés d’anticonstitutionnel. Le président du Syndicat autonome des magistrats, Sambay Mutenda Lukusa prétend que « réviser la Constitution aujourd’hui c’est remettre en cause la volonté du peuple exprimée à travers le referendum constitutionnel ».

Echanges Forrest - Metorex

Sharewatch LONDON (Thomson Financial) - Copper Resources Corp has issued and allotted about 5.03 mln shares to L' Enterprise Generale Malta Forrest SPRL, the Forrest Group, as settlement for a loan of about 7.5 mln usd made to Miniere de Musoshi et Kinsenda SARL, the company's 75 pct-owned subsidiary in the DRC. Following the debt conversion, Forrest Group's holding increases to 29.24 mln shares or 36.07 pct, which is expected to transferred to Metorex shortly along with about 4.05 mln options and warrants over Copper Resources shares. The transfer is according to a unconditional share purchase agreement signed between Metorex and Forrest.

Contenir les creuseurs

Reuters Eric Onstad Worldwide an estimated 13-million people, including one million children, work as small-scale miners in 55 countries, the International Labour Organisation has said. The DRC government is keen to halt illicit mining since it gets no tax revenue from shadowy middlemen who smuggle the metals outside the country. But mining firms and local officials have been grappling with what to do with thousands of informal miners who entrenched themselves at abandoned mines to eke out a living. Some firms faced rioting when they tried to expel illicit miners, angry they were losing their only means of scraping a living.

TFM: un an de retard et 38% plus cher

Lundin Mining holds a 24.75% interest in the Tenke Fungurume project. The Company's operating partner, Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. holds a 57.75% interest and La Generale des Carrieres et des Mines holds the remaining 17.5% interest. Construction of the initial phase of operations is well underway. Production start-up, however, will be slightly behind the initial schedule of 4th quarter 2008, due to delays in construction works. Construction and start-up of production will now extend into 2009. To date approximately 55% of design and 70% of procurement are complete. Bulk earthworks are substantially complete at the plant site and shop areas, and concrete work has started. Approximately 15% of the construction work has been completed and the project is approximately 40% complete overall. Completion of the mine's first phase will provide annual production of 115,000 tonnes of copper cathode and 8,000 tonnes of cobalt. Based on the current mine plan, ore grades for the first ten years are expected to average 4.6% copper and 0.4% cobalt. The mine's cash cost is expected to be one of the lowest in the industry.

Bloomberg Rob Delaney and Stewart Bailey -- Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc., the world's second-largest copper producer, says developing the DRC project will cost 38 percent more than expected because of added construction. The Tenke Fungurume copper and cobalt mine will cost $900 million after the company decided to build an acid-making plant and houses and clinics for workers, ``We've adjusted the scope of the project and taken into account the impact of cost escalation, particularly for projects in central Africa''. The rush of companies seeking to develop the region's southern copper belt has intensified competition for construction materials and skilled staff. Freeport must ship equipment to the site in southern Katanga province and will have to send copper and cobalt at least 2,500 kilometers by rail or truck to the nearest port for export. Rail transport is being developed, Freeport says said, without giving details.

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